Sprinkle Joy wasn’t just a pretty phrase we threw out there. We created an interactive Facebook tab where customers could design their own Christmas cookie, made to look like a cookie from our commercial, and add it to the Jar of Joy. The community filled the jar together, knowing that, when it was full, Publix would unlock a surprise gift for a special charity.

After fans created a virtual cookie, we treated them to cookie recipes. Gift tags they could download, print and attach to cookies they were giving as gifts, and a cheer game to help them sprinkle more joy in their own neighborhoods.

We also shared Sprinkle Joy ideas on Facebook and Twitter and invited customers to share how they were pledging to do good during the holiday season. Every time a fan or follower engaged with #SprinkleJoy, another cookie was added to the jar.

The experience was extended to the store level, in which a series of POP along with random messaging connected the Sprinkle Joy thought into every level of communication. From cookie sets, to random recipes that could be access by scanning some of the signage, customer were not only espectators but avid participants during the holidays. Sprinkle Joy has now become a sentiment that goes beyond Publix and is not part of a community that now shares everything that the holidays are meant to represent.